Day Cabbie

San Francisco taxi stories from one of the very rare female drivers

Familiar faces on every corner

The other day I was driving my own car and I was parked at a light. Somebody in the lane next to me tried to get my attention but I didn't look. I tend to not do that. Finally I heard

"Not working today, huh?"

I looked over and it was another cab driver from the company I drive for. He was in his own car as well, a BMW. I laughed and said "No, not today."

One time I saw my friend Jayne crossing the street while driving a cab near Union Square. I said "Jayne!" She said "Vera!" We hugged through the car window.

One time I saw my former co-worker Mark on a street corner downtown. I said

"Do you need a ride?"

"Nah, I'm just going a couple of blocks."


One time I pulled over to pick up a flag, and it was this guy Matt from the office I was doing freelance work at. I was like "Hi Matt!" He was like "No way. I guess you're not coming into the office today, huh?" I said "Nope." I took him to our office.

The other day I saw my friend Bret walking down the street while driving a cab. The same day I saw my friend Mycho biking down Valencia. I also saw this guy who I had seen at clubs and who fascinates me because he has a very unique look.

This morning I was walking near my house to get a Saturday morning bagel, and I heard a car honk. Normally I don't pay attention to such auditory pollution, but something made me look this time. And it was Larry from the dispatch office, in his own car, smiling widely. I said "Larry!"

I love this little town I live in where I seem to know everybody and everybody seems to know me. It almost feels as small as the little town of 10,000 people that I grew up in, where everybody knew me as well. Except that somehow it didn't feel as good then; I didn't feel as comfortable and as accepted. But it feels really good now. This concept makes me so happy, I could cry.

In the little town I grew up in, I felt judged at every corner. Not so much by the older, more conservative generation but by my own age group. In this city, I don't feel judged. I also don't feel judged as a cab driver. I know many cab drivers feel judged and looked down upon by some of their passengers. I don't. I get the feeling that everybody thinks it's great that I'm a cab driver. And that's because I think it's great.


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